Friday, June 19, 2020 / by Kaitlin Delles
30 Way to Make Your Home Energy-Efficient
Not too long ago in our country’s history, talking about making your house “greener” might get you labeled a hippie tree-hugger. But times change, and as gas, electricity, and water prices creep up, more and more homeowners are seeing the (strong) advantages that come with considering the environment when you make decisions about your household.Are you interested in making your home more energy-efficient — and saving money in the bargain? You have a lot of options, from cheap to expensive, so read on to discover whether there are some big (or small) energy-saving opportunities that you’re missing.
Most utility companies offer an energy audit, oftentimes for free: They’ll send an expert out to your house to take a look at all your appliances, your lights, your windows, your doors, and more — then make recommendations for changes you can make that will save energy (and money) every month. If you want a personalized rundown o. ...
Most utility companies offer an energy audit, oftentimes for free: They’ll send an expert out to your house to take a look at all your appliances, your lights, your windows, your doors, and more — then make recommendations for changes you can make that will save energy (and money) every month. If you want a personalized rundown o. ...